The campaign is an initiative led by New ERA and Planet Reuse aimed at shedding light in the policy debate around reuse systems, currently being discussed in the proposed Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR).
New ERA and Planet Reuse are launching rEUse, a campaign that seeks putting more balance into the discussion around reuse systems in the PPWR. The norm, proposed by the Commission in November 2022, puts forward for the first time mandatory reuse targets for different market segments such as takeaway, beverages or e-commerce.
Today, every European citizen generates 178 kg of packaging waste a year. That is half a kilo every day, every one of us all over Europe. Moreover, 40% of plastics and 50% of paper used in the EU is destined for packaging, and most of it ends up sooner or later in waste, as it is far from being recycled at scale.
In the meantime, European business forerunners are rolling out reuse systems that -science tells us- contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving water and resources by circulating them in truly closed loops while enabling economic growth, potentially creating more than 600,000 new jobs.
The campaign is composed of four key elements:
- a video highlighting the key elements needed to transit towards a truly circular economy in packaging.
- a comprehensive report divided in two parts: one theoretical covering independent scientific publications proving reusable packaging is more environmentally sound than single use, and one more practical, presenting business cases for various market segments where reuse is an alternative today.
- four factsheets diving into the environmental and economic reasons why reuse targets are suitable for the takeaway, beverage, e-commerce and transport packaging sectors.
- a repository of relevant scientific studies to which the report, case studies and factsheets are built upon.
If we remain on our current path of business as usual, the continued growth of single-use packaging waste will require ever more investments into sorting and recycling facilities. Giving reuse the green light with ambitious targets in the PPWR, will force all stakeholders to reassess the status-quo and foster investments into truly closed loops business models that require facilities to manufacture, clean and stock reuse containers that ultimately will benefit the planet, SMEs and communities
New European Reuse Allianceinfo@newreusealliance.eu
Planet Reuse