On 1 July 2023, the Contimeta Group joined PackSynergy AG, Europe’s leading network of mid-market, owner-managed packaging wholesalers. An internationally successful packaging and fastening specialist, Contimeta is an important new partner for our markets in the Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden (ASM Packaging Systems). The company has its headquarters in Utrecht (The Netherlands).
The PackSynergy network is growing all the time: following the successful integration of new member companies in Southern and South-East Europe around two years ago as well as the Austrian newcomer Gigant at the beginning of 2023, the PackSynergy network has now strengthened its market position again with Contimeta. “I’m delighted to have gained a new network partner in Contimeta, who operate in some of our key markets and will support the Group with know-how and fresh impetus, especially in the automation sector”, said PackSynergy CEO Thomas A. Baur.
Contimeta was founded in 1932 as a family business and currently employs around 100 people in the Benelux countries, Sweden and Germany. As a single-source supplier offering a wide range of machines, films, strapping and adhesive tapes, the group provides appropriate solutions for all transport packaging problems related to stretch and shrink wrapping as well as strapping and box closure.
The Contimeta Group sees it as a big advantage to be a player in such an effective international network, in which expertise and experiences can be shared and numerous benefits enjoyed – for example in relation to knowledge exchange, purchasing and sustainability management – as Contimeta Owner and Managing Director Berend van Bon explained when asked about his motivation for joining the network. “PackSynergy affords us excellent opportunities to think outside the box in our everyday business life. We can learn from the experiences of others and at the same time contribute our own knowledge and expertise”, he continued.
Baur emphasised that PackSynergy’s tangible competitive advantages are not restricted to the European sales platform and a series of substantial benefits but also include effective interaction and a vital community within the network. The transfer of know-how, further training and joint development work are high on the list of priorities at PackSynergy. Baur: “The Learning Academy provides opportunities for information and training in the form of best-practice examples, hands-on workshops and info sessions. We also seek the involvement of our suppliers and external specialists here.” He sees PackSynergy’s enduring popularity as a sign of the association’s standing as a network brand that gives mid-market wholesalers all over Europe a fundamental instrument for growth. “We connect local strength with international reach”, he added.