Sustainable Packaging News are excited to invite you to our Circular Economy Conference, Featuring a wide range of speakers providing valuable insight into ways that services and packaging techniques can be circular and more sustainable.
In Part 1 of the conference...
Chris Fiander, marketing manager at Westpak will speak about recycling Infrastructure, we will hear from Comply Direct about circular economy engagement. Alena Marran will share insights on how Avery Dennison supports brands with the shift towards circular packaging, and we welcome back Shira Rosen and Silvia D’Alessio who will be talking about packaging design.
Click here to watch on youtube
SPN Circular Economy Conference Part 2
Nerida Kelton from the World Packaging Organisation, speaks about the organisation’s goals and the current state of the packaging industry regarding sustainability. Andrew McCaffery from EcoVeritas will explain why we may need a fundamental reassessment of our packaging, and discover how EPR can be used as a tool to make packaging more sustainable.