Choosing plants as our main materials to produce packaging, we naturally created Compost Connect, our compost initiative, which aims to promote organic recycling and keep as many organic materials, like certified compostable packaging and food waste, out of the landfill as possible.
The Earth's resources are not limitless. Unfortunately, our collective appetite for consumption and convenience is depleting resources faster than the Earth can renew them.
We must move away from the current linear economy where materials are extracted, turned into products, and then ultimately 'thrown away' to one where materials are treated as precious resources to be continually used within a circular system.
Food service packaging represents a huge opportunity to move towards a circular economy model and close the loop on waste by producing packaging from plants that can be composted and returned to Earth as soil food which can be used to grow more plants. Compost also helps improve soil quality and retain water, making the land more drought resilient.
This is why our packaging is designed for a waste-free circular economy.
BioPak packaging is made from responsibly-sourced, rapidly-renewable plant-based resources. After use, it can be disposed of in the organics recycling stream, along with any remaining food scraps, where it will biodegrade through the composting process to return nutrients to the soil and help grow more plants.
While there are many ways to move towards a circular economy, using reusables where practical and possible, choosing plant-based compostable packaging and introducing organics recycling are simple ways foodservice brands can introduce circular practices.