For the second time in a row, SÜDPACK was among the top 50 of Germany’s most sustainable SMEs in WirtschaftsWoche’s cross-sector sustainability ranking. After its outstanding placement as 36th in 2022, the film manufacturer moved even higher up in the ranking this year – and took tenth place. For the second study, the Munich-based consulting firm Munich Strategy was once again commissioned by the renowned business magazine to analyze the activities of 4,000 companies in the three categories of environment, social issues and governance (ESG criteria) using an extremely complex procedure.
On June 23, WirtschaftsWoche reported in detail about the assessment with the “Fair and Crisis-proof” cover story of its 26/2023 issue. The guiding principle: “Those who invest in environmental friendliness and fairness are in a better position – especially in times of economic uncertainty.”
“We’ve been investing in a wide range of activities in the field of sustainability for many years. That includes production processes and products, construction projects, in-house recycling streams and extensive investments in a functioning circular economy, and continues on with society, employees and the environment,” affirmed Carolin Grimbacher, Managing Partner of the SÜDPACK Group. “It pleases us all the more for our commitment to be recognized and to once again be listed among the 50 best in the second cross-sector study – this time even in tenth place.”
In order to identify the leaders in sustainability among Germany’s SMEs, Munich Strategy used an algorithm to assess the sustainability reports as well as the press and social media activities of 4,000 companies with a turnover between 10 million and approximately 1.5 billion euros. The experts then used the data to calculate a sustainability score that was used to narrow the group down the 400 best companies, which were carefully reviewed in extensive interviews with various stakeholders. In addition to environmental aspects, social and governance issues were also included in the assessment.
all activities and targets regarding the environment, economy and social responsibility are bundled in a comprehensive sustainability roadmap. The results, which are substantiated by reliable facts and figures, are regularly published in sustainability reports that are compiled on a voluntary basis. “As a leader in technology and innovation in our industry, we regularly send powerful signals with our pioneering products. Moreover, SÜDPACK is one of the key driving forces when it comes to a functioning circular economy in the plastics industry,” accentuated Carolin Grimbacher.
Although sustainability at SÜDPACK involves substantial investments and a great deal of work, in the end, the environment, people, the industry and the company all benefit in equal measure. The company’s extraordinary portfolio of resource-conserving and recyclable film solutions and packaging concepts as well as its exceptional expertise in the development of tailor-made solutions for customers provide a competitive edge. Sustainable corporate governance as well as a clear sense of responsibility for the climate, nature and society strengthen the brand and its reputation – and ultimately help in tackling current challenges, such as energy management, the shortage of skilled staff and the issue of a circular economy.
Those who invest in sustainability benefit
For a holistic view of its films and packaging concepts, SÜDPACK offers its customers a new LCA tool to systematically analyze the environmental impacts and energy balance of the products during their entire life cycle – all the way from production to disposal. Because “the primary goal has to be to reduce negative effects as far as possible and to systematically develop recyclable packaging based on valid data for individual needs. That is the only way to get closer to reaching our goal of becoming a ZERO WASTE business,” emphasized Carolin Grimbacher.
The LCA tool also helps in deciding which end-of-life scenario is to be used in each case. Thanks to its cooperation with Carboliq, SÜDPACK is the only flexible film manufacturer to date with direct access to capacities for chemical recycling, which allows the company to obtain a valuable liquid resource from plastic fractions that had not been recyclable until now, such as multilayer films for food packaging. And thanks to in-house regranulation and compounding, customers also have mechanical recycling options to choose from.
Being distinguished by WirtschaftsWoche once again based on an in-depth analysis is not only encouraging, but is also a challenge and an incentive. “Being on the right track isn’t enough. We have to also systematically take the next steps” is the maxim followed by the film manufacturer.
Further information is available at www.suedpack.com