MeetingPack 2024 will once again attract the entire agri-food packaging value chain to Valencia.
The sixth edition of the meeting will have eight blocks to present the latest trends and innovations in materials, formats and processes for more sustainable barrier packaging.
The sixth edition of MeetingPack, the event organized every two years by AIMPLAS and AINIA, will attract members of the entire food packaging value chain on 10-11 April 2024 at the Valencia Conference Centre.
Through the prism of the circular economy, MeetingPack 2024 will address the challenges and opportunities the sector is expected to face in coming years, as well as the latest innovations and trends in materials and barrier packaging.
The programme is divided into eight blocks to discuss innovative materials for the production of sustainable packaging, sustainability in flexible and rigid barrier packaging, recycling processes and new solutions for reusable packaging. New in this edition are two round-table sessions, where food groups, distribution companies and consumer associations will provide an overview of their strategies to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
More than 350 people attended the previous edition
The 2022 edition was attended by more than 350 participants from 15 countries, including manufacturers of packaging, packaging materials and equipment, distribution companies, food multinationals, public managers, food law specialists and researchers. Two full days with more than 30 presentations and nearly 60 companies discussing their solutions and success stories currently on the market.
MeetingPack 2024 has the support of sponsoring companies such as RAORSA, ENPLATER GROUP, FAERCH, GRUPALIA 4.0, LUBRIZOL, QUIMOVIL, SEALED AIR, UBE and TOTALENERGIES CORBION, as well as the collaboration of relevant entities and organizations in the packaging and food industries.
The media impact, sponsor stands and networking and exhibition area, not to mention the visibility that such a prestigious venue as the Valencia Conference Centre offers this sixth edition of MeetingPack, are just some of the main advantages enjoyed by the companies supporting the event.
Companies and entities interested in taking part in the MeetingPack 2024 programme can submit their proposals until 22 September 2023.
Date: 10-11 April 2024
Venue: Valencia Conference Centre
Avenida Corts Valencianes, 60, 46015 Valencia (Spain)
More information: https://meetingpack.com/