“We have ambitious sustainability targets including 100% fossil free production and raw materials by the end of 2030. In order to follow our way towards the goals it is essential that we report our sustainability work comprehensively, transparently and openly. These ‘A List’ positions are a recognition of our systematic work," says Mika Joukio, CEO of Metsä Board. Earlier this year Metsä Board published new detailed, interactive roadmaps to help visualise the measures it will take to achieve its 2030 sustainability targets regarding climate change and water use.
This is the seventh year that Metsä Board achieved the position on the CDP Climate A list and the CDP Water A list, and the second time on the CDP Forest A list.
CDP’s annual environmental disclosure and scoring process is widely recognised as the gold standard of corporate environmental transparency. The full list of companies that made this year’s CDP A List is available here, along with other publicly available company scores: